Straightforward supplier analysis

Make your supplier selection easy. Ask the exact questions you need answers to, define the format they’re answered in and make sure all inputs are simple to assess and score. 

Reduce the admin associated with supplier selection

It’s inefficient to manage your evaluation processes manually. DeepStream’s procurement software has evaluation tools that’ll automate this for you. Instead of compiling spreadsheets, you can spend your time adding strategic value to the supplier selection process.

Access critical information to build a
resilient supply chain

Avoid missing crucial details scattered across emails, inboxes, and documents. DeepStream's procurement platform consolidates all information, ensuring a thorough review of supplier responses and expert stakeholder opinions. Make confident decisions backed by comprehensive evaluation.

Why choose DeepStream
Intuitive software
User-friendly software that your team will actually want to use
Unlimited customer support
Live support available when you or your suppliers need help
No long contracts
Our contracts are flexible - we won't lock you in for years

Procurement software teams want to use.

Want to talk?
Get in touch.